It’s our favorite time of the year!! Here’s where we get to show you all the ridiculous fun we’ve been having all year. We love our job and our amazing clients and enjoy sharing these with you.
Thank you to our amazing brides and grooms and our awesome vendors that we work with throughout the year. We love you!
-All of us here at Rob Spring Photography
Who’s that man with the debonair bowtie? Rob Spring of course!!!Rob doesn’t wear ties just to look good. It’s also a very useful tool to get everyone to smile!
Love these fun and goofy candid moments at our weddings. . .
This groomsman showed up late for photos! We totally made fun of him for the rest of the day.
We love a good behind the scenes shot. . .get it??? 😉
Great dance moves are pretty much required at all times on the wedding day. Not just on the dance floor!
We love working with all of our vendors! Sarah Fichtman from Bisou Weddings lookin’ pretty as always and Al Woodard showing off how cool he is before a ceremony.
Some great guys we love working with (and taking nice photos of 😜). Mike Garassi of Music Man Entertainment, DJ Vinny Vin of NonStop Music, and Dale Himelrick!
Sam Nass delivering her amazing flowers and the fabulous attendants at Saratoga National and Longfellow’s. They keep the day running smoothly.
We could devote an entire blog to Pam from Mazzone. She is the BEST bridal attendant in the world. We love her!!
The lovely ladies from Spa City Duo. We aren’t the only ones who enjoy their music!
Love this behind the scenes shot of Josh Candelario from a Moment 2 Share!
Holding drinks for the bride and groom is definitely a very important part of the job! I think Mitch is a little confused about the champagne though. . .
And what would we do if we didn’t have enough hands to hold the very important bridal bouquet!Sometimes you need to recruit the flower girl to make everyone laugh! She did a pretty awesome job.
Everyone’s taking photos, not just us! We’re taking photos of them taking photos of us taking photos! PHEW.
Of course we sneak photos of each other on the wedding day. We wouldn’t have a Behind the Scenes blog without it!
It takes many hands to make sure everyone looks good! Can you spot two familiar faces in with the bridesmaids below? Kayla & Emily were the perfect bridesmaids! 😍
Sometimes we need to model in the shot to make sure our lighting is on point before the bride and groom step in. Sarah clearly does this with extra flair.
We go out of our way to make sure your wedding dress stays spotless on a rainy wedding day! Mitch wins the award for most creative umbrella holding.
Mitch may hold an umbrella like a boss, but can he hold an entire tree(branch)?!
Always fixing the dress. Gotta make sure it’s perfect!
Sometimes photos can get pretty emotional 😂. Bridget our trusty assistant couldn’t hold back the tears during a first look. And this flower girl was SO over family photos 😬 .
Those selfies. So good!!! Also love the photo of Rob below with 4 friends who all hired Rob for their wedding day! How fun!
Some fun outtakes!
Katie & Rob played an awesome game at their wedding where guests received the best prize! Giant photos of the couple!
Bridesmaids are the real MVP’s of the day.
The dad’s are pretty helpful too!
Emily, Mitch, and Sarah doing what they need to do to keep the day stress free!
Rob and Sarah working in their natural habitat. . .the ground.
That’s all for now! Stay tuned for a few more blogs from our 2017 season!
Stay classy, Saratoga Springs.